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Land Steward : Leona Grunow

Pialli! Hola! Hi there!

I am so excited to meet you! My name is Leona and I am a sacred space holder and protector of the sacred. I currently live on and steward 32 acres of occupied Kumeyaay land presently known as Boulevard, CA. My family and extended family live on the land where we grow annual veggies, perennial fruits and herbs, and medicinal and native trees. We raise three children on the land: 2, 6, and 6 1/2 years old. We dreamt of raising our children immersed in nature, appreciating the beauty and gifts surrounding us always and in relationship with the natural world around them. I am in partnership with the kids in homeschooling (I often wonder who learns more-me or them!) and we enjoy a mix of Waldorf and unschooling. My passion is being with the children who continuously fire my joy for life by seeing the world through their eyes.

I have had a deep connection to nature and spirit since I was a child. I lost my way for a bit and it was through my work with the land and plants that I was called back to my true self. I gave my time, attention, and love to the land and received so much in return. There is an infinite amount of medicine available to us from Mother Earth and Father Sun if we take the time to listen and be in gratitude for the simple and the subtle. In service, I am healed and I hope to share the medicine I discovered within myself so it may serve others in their own healing. This is how we heal our Mother Earth.

My work in this lifetime is to weave together the codes of Creator and Mother Earth within myself and within the future generations, working with the plants and animals, my ancestors and spirit guides. I am guided on my spiritual path by my elders, Myranda Bennett, Holy Guardian of the Lakota tradition and Paloma Cervantes, shaman of the Curanderismo tradition.

I'd love to hear from you if you feel called!

phone number: 8087565762

Instagram: @dancing_with_madre_tierra

Leona Grunow

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